Statement of Faith
We believe in God the Father creator and sustainer of life and in Jesus Christ His only Son, the complete revelation of God to us and our only redeemer. We also believe in the Holy Spirit who is God’s power active in our world. Our world was created by God the Father, through Jesus, His Word, and by the power of the Holy Spirit who brought God’s order out of the chaos that existed before creation.
The Bible is the only infallible witness to God’s revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ. It is not through our imaginations or inner spirits, but through the truth that is written in the Bible that we know who Jesus is.
God the Father is the Father to each of His children and our only perfect Father compared to whom all our earthly fathers are poor imitations. In His person, Jesus is the revealer of God to us; by His death on the cross, we all can find forgiveness. It is through our relationship to Him that we are made new. The Holy Spirit, through the Word of God, teaches us about Jesus Christ. He convicts us of sin and points us to the forgiveness that is available in Jesus Christ. The Spirit also bestows gifts on the Church that enable us to spread the Message of God in Christ. As He did in creation, He brings God’s order out of the chaos of our lives. These three: Father, Son and Holy Spirit are mysteriously one person.
In Christ, we can find forgiveness for all sin. The only sin that isn’t forgiven is to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31). The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and points us to forgiveness in Christ. To blaspheme against the Holy Spirit is to refuse that conviction and the availability of forgiveness in Christ. It is the work of Life Challenge WNC to be used by the Holy Spirit to lift up Jesus Christ so that the women under our care are open to the conviction of the Holy Spirit and find forgiveness for their sins and new life in their relationship to Christ.
We believe Jesus brought the Kingdom of God to this world and it now exists in the hearts and minds of His people (Luke 17:21, 22). Life Challenge WNC seeks to help the Kingdom of God reign in the hearts of the girls whom the Lord brings under our care. We believe that one day soon, Jesus will bodily return to this world and His kingdom, which is currently inside His people, will become the external kingdom to all the world. At that time, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10). We look with great expectancy for that day.